Today is my birthday. Last year on my birthday I held a contest to celebrate in which I gave away free books. This year, I decided to continue in that tradition… but the difference is, this year I can give away MY OWN BOOK. International folks, be sure to read on—everything except prize levels 2 and 3 are open internationally!
So, without further ado, let me introduce…
So cheesy it hurts, I know. But I’m excited, and if you keep reading, I think you will be too. This contest was in a big way inspired by the amazingly awesome Beth Revis, and the Epic Contest of Epic that she held for the release of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. She gave away 100 prizes, some big, some small, and some completely epic.
Well, I wanted to put my own twist on it. What makes this contest unique, you might ask?
What makes it unique is that everyone who enters will win.
Yeah. You heard me.
So here’s the deal—and the prize breakdown.
Prize level 7: Everyone who enters will win a personalized, signed SKYLARK postcard mailed to them. Yes, EVERYONE. Well, until I run out of postcards and/or postage money, but IF that happens, I’ve got a super secret digital download link to send you, so you still won’t leave empty handed. (Unlimited—everyone who enters will win at least this.)
Prize level 6: You get the postcard, but you ALSO get a signed bookmark and a signed limited edition bookplate printed up specifically for SKYLARK. (25 people will win the postcard pack.)
Prize level 5: You get the postcard, bookmark, and bookplate—AND you get a SKYLARK button, as well as a custom-designed temporary tattoo featuring Nix, the pixie. Shiny! (20 people will win the button and tattoo pack.)
Prize level 4: You get the postcard, bookmark, bookplate, tattoo and button. But you’ll also receive a limited physical version of the SKYLARK discussion guide! Perfect for book groups, libraries, classrooms, or just for readers like me, who tend to sit there after finishing a book, staring into space and thinking deep thoughts. (10 people will win the discussion guide pack.)
Prize level 3: Here’s where the prizes start to get really, really special. Those of you who have been following me for a while may recall the necklace I bought to celebrate the sale of SKYLARK (then called THE IRON WOOD). Well, the wonderful woman who designed the necklace is working with me to provide four gorgeous SKYLARK-themed necklaces for this giveaway! Winners of this pack will receive everything that came before and one of these beautiful necklaces. And here’s the truly awesome part… I’ll be stocking the lockets with a photo of Oren and Lark, as I see them in my mind. These pictures haven’t been published anywhere before—the winners of the necklaces will be the first to see them! (1 person will win the necklace pack.)
Prize level 2: You guessed it—you’ll win the postcard, bookmark, bookplate, button, discussion guide, SKYLARK locket… and your very own signed, personalized ARC of SKYLARK! I’ll contact these winners, and get personalization details. (2 people will win the ARC pack.)
GRAND PRIZE: You win everything listed before—except the ARC. But don’t worry… that’s because you win everything else PLUS a first edition hardcover copy of SKYLARK. Signed, personalized, the whole kit and caboodle. Plus, it’s open internationally. I’ll contact the grand prize winner, and get personalization details. (One person will win the grand prize.)
The contest will run until 11:59 PM, July 27th. I’ll announce the grand prize winner then—but the other prizes, well, you’ll just have to wait and see if something shows up in your mailbox!
So, how do you enter? Well, all you have to do is put your mailing address below. You must be 13 years or older to enter, and all addresses will be kept PRIVATE and used only for the purposes of this giveaway. Winners will be drawn randomly, but you can earn more than one entry by completing certain tasks (see below!) You can only win one prize pack.
You’ve all probably seen this before, but just a quick overview—the more you share this contest, the more entries you get. Tweeting gets you two extra entries. Blogging gets you five. If you pre-order the book, you get a whopping ten extra entries, because you completely rock. And if you ordered it from your local indie store, you get an extra two points on top of the ten! Please use the text field by each check mark to paste the link of your tweet, the store where you preordered the book, etc.
Everything up to prize level 4 is open internationally—as is the grand prize. Prize levels 2+3 are US only.
This contest is now CLOSED. The grand prize winner will be announced shortly.
And finally… thank you, everyone, for all your enthusiasm and excitement over SKYLARK’s upcoming release. This whole process has been a blast! Good luck!

Happy birthday, Meagan! <3 Usually on my birthday, I'd buy tons of books that have been on my wishlist since forever, spend some quality time with family and friends and if my birthday is during the holidays, I'd probably be off to another country!
Thank you so much for the AMAZING giveaway and for making it international, Meagan! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! <3
I like your style, Celine! Books, family, travel. That sounds about right to me! I already have a TBR pile the size of Mt. Everest… though surely no one will notice the addition of juuuuust a few more…
Meagan I would go on a book shopping spree for my birthday! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Hey, Celine’s a genius! Celebrate by coming to Australia! (Or I am coming to your place to steal those awesome lockets!)
Yessssssss. Don’t you know I’m writing this from the plane? We’re somewhere over the Pacific as we speak.
(If only.)
Thanks for the giveaway!
You should have an evening out with family and close friends so that you can be near the ones you love. Maybe go to a nice restaurant? 🙂
Happy birthday, Meagan! 🙂 I hope your day is full of all the wonderful things you enjoy! I suggest you rent a party bus with all of your closest friends, dress up, and paint the town red – or purple – or whatever your favorite color is 😉 Short of defacing the town, go on a traveling dinner date with your friends. Appetizer one place, entree another, dessert another, and so on 🙂
Also, I wish a happy birthday. Firs of all I would lito say – I am sorry for my English. I come from Czech Republic and I’m little bit fighting with this language.
You hope that you know, that you should celebrate your birthday properly. For example paintball – it’s great fun. Take your best friends and it will be certainly amazing.
Have a nice day, laurdes 🙂
Also, I wish a happy birthday. Firs of all I would lito say – I am sorry for my English. I come from Czech Republic and I’m little bit fighting with this language.
You hope that you know, that you should celebrate your birthday properly. For example paintball – it’s great fun. Take your best friends and it will be certainly amazing.
Have a nice day, laurdes 🙂
Happy Birthday sweetie, and thank you so much for the awesome girveway!!! It’s my birhtday in 11 days 🙂
Happy Birthday! I always try to celebrate my birthday with chocolate… LOTS of chocolate 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! I think you should go play laser tag. with your whole family.. Laser tag you say? Yes, you are never to old to play laser tag, and in fact it is absolutely the BEST GAME EVER!!! Once you start you can’t stop, it’s so fun! Just try it and you’ll be hooked!
Food is a must, then include family and friends. Throw in some music.
I celebrated mine at a Korean restaurant (we were at a concert first), you should go to your fave place. There must be cake! Have a lovely birthday in advanced!
Happy birthday, and thanks for this amazing contest! Since I’m a huge lover of ice cream, I always make sure to get some on my birthday, and usually I get an ice cream cake. So I’d suggest celebrating your day with a nice book at the beach, and then ice cream for dinner! 🙂
I would say you should hang out with family and friends, and possibly get some free meals out of it. Of course you’ve also got to have lots of yummy cake or whatever your favorite birthday treat is! Then just hang out reading or doing whatever else it is you love to do while everyone showers you with birthday gifts! I hope you have an amazing birthday doing whatever it is you end up doing! : )
Happy Birthday Meagan, and thanks for having such a fantastically fun and awesome contest! Since it’s your birthday month you should definitely indulge yourself; buy your favourite ice-cream and all the books you’ve been dying to read from your wishlist, go to a nice restaurant with your family and close friends & eat lots of cake! And if you have a party, you can be one of those people who give the guests A List of all the presents you want instead of receiving gifts you never use 😀
This has nothing to do with your birthday, but I love the set up of your blog and the font I’m typing in is freaking awesome. I just want to keep typing so I can keep seeing the pretty!
Now – HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your birthday month is wonderful!
You should spend your birthday month reading. A lot. Because that’s always fun. ALWAYS. And being fed grapes. By a sexy Italian in a toga. That’s how I plan to spend my birthday. NO – be fed ice cream cake by a sexy Italian.
I have the best plans!
Thanks so much for the giveaway. Even though it’s your birthday month, you should cross your fingers for me to win. <3
And one last, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Definitely relax!!!! Don’t do anything besides relaxing. Whatever that may be 🙂
Happy birthday! I love this swirly script, btw. So mesmerizing…
Anyways, celebration suggestions! Take at least one day each week to COMPLETELY relax. No halvsies. Scoop a bowl of custard, pop in a really good, funny movie, and enjoy. Go for at least one adventure. That can be jumping out of an airplane, going to a local animal place to hold a snake, learning a new craft, whatever. Just something fun!
And any time someone tries to make you do something you don’t want to do, stick your tongue out and say, “I don’t gotta. It’s my birthday. Nyeh nyeh.” 🙂
Hi Meagan,
Firstly, thanks for the amazing contest, I am so excited for the release of SKYLARK!
Secondly, I LOVE your website font, I could just write and write on here all day! So pretty.
Finally, hope you had a lovely birthday! I usually celebrate mine by just relaxing and doing things that I like: a meal with the family, a shopping trip with my partner.
So my suggestion to you is: spend time with your favourite people, spend money and eat nice food and lots of cake! Then, PJ’s and a good book 🙂
Happy Birthday. To celebrate you should go out and have fun and definitely enjoy the summer. Maybe go swimming. Do outdoor stuff. And definitely have some birthday cake.
Thank you so much! And I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. Thank you for reading. <3
Happy Birthday! I can think of no better way to spend a birthday than by getting a book published. Congrats on Skylark – the book was amazing and we’ll be posting our review of it closer to the release date.
I love music; not just listening to it, but also making it. I received a trombone for my last birthday, and would love to spend every waking moment playing it or some other musical instrument. But since those instruments don’t come cheap, I’d be content to just stay home and spend time with my parents and sisters. c: Thanks so much for the contest!
[…] suggest you head on over to her site and enter, or don’t because I’d REALLY like to […]
Hi Meagan! Happy birthday!
The best way to celebrate birthdays is with family and/or friends. It doesn’t need to be fancy. Just dinner or a game night or whatever floats your boat. You’re probably doing something like that already. 🙂
Speaking of birthdays…mine is on July 31. Something from this giveaway would be a perfect present. Hint hint. 😉
Haha, I’m just messing with you. The postcard is fine. I want to thank you for taking the time to make a giveaway like this, where no one loses. It’s very generous of you and I respect that. I look forward to reading your book once it comes out.
I always switch off between my favorite activities – singing (karaoke), dancing, bowling – and of course dressing up and gorging all week long on the best foods in town lol.
Well…since your birthday is over, I will tell you why I want to win this! :3
To be honest, I have kind of been stalking you since I found your book at random on Goodreads. OR RATHER, I have been stalking the book? You just came along with it! :3 It sounds absolutely amazing, the cover is beautiful, the synopsis leaves me wanting to read it, and now all the goodies, well I am flat out excited. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!
Oh, and next year, you should make your friends do what I did to my boyfriend – he was in class and I went and ‘decorated’ his car with streamers and glass markers, I left him a balloon, cake, and bear in his car. 😀 Unfortunately for him, he was the last one out of class, EVERYONE in his class had seen it, and were stopping and staring at it. It was hilarious. 😀 Hope your birthday was a good one!
Hi Ms. Spooner! I just recently celebrated my birthday in July as well! So, happy birthday!!! Ideally, I would love to go to Madrid, Spain, to watch some of my favorite soccer players in action. But, I live in the U.S., and tickets to Madrid are really expensive at this time of the year. Someday, I will totally go with my sister. And most people in the comments said travel. So, in addition to travel (and read!), maybe take the entire day to yourself in a private island, just for you, with no one else around (except for the butler!), and just kick back and relax. No writing. No husband/kids if you have any. No phone, no chat, no texting, just you and sunshine. I would love that.
I would love to win anything from this amazing contest! I love the necklaces though; they are exquisite. I have a jewelry obsession in addition to my book obsession. I love how you are celebrating your book release! I think it’s wonderful to have so many prizes to give to readers. Thank you so much!!! And good luck to everyone!!! 🙂
Alyssa <3
I want to read SKYLARK because Carolina Valdez-Miller rec’d it on her blog which means, “Hell, yes!” for me! Happy Birthday!
The book sounds absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to read it! Happy Birthday!
So my 18th birthday is coming up (July 19th) yay! 🙂 I think the best way to celebrate it would be to be on a beach in Spain (preferably La Concha Beach, San Sebastian) with a Calimocho in hand (because unlike here, you can legally drink at the age of 18 in Spain). I haven’t been on a vacation in about five years so it’d be nice to get one in before I go to college this fall. I can’t afford a trip to Spain with my little sister right now but a girl can dream, yes?
Anyways, if you’ve read all of my rambling thus far (thanks for that, by the way), I really would love to win this giveaway and read Skylark because I’m kind of obsessed with dystopian fantasy (I actually have a blog dedicated to this obsession). Thanks! 🙂
I have been a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy lately and I love the unique spin of Skylark. And the best way to spend a birthday is with family! 🙂
Thanks for this generous and awesome contest. Happy belated birthday! 😀 I hope it was a fun day. The best way to celebrate birthdays is on the beach with a close group of friends especially if it’s an overnight trip. If I had the money though I’d definitely take a trip to Italy with one of my more adventurous friends and head off on a road trip eating fancy, delicious food and exploring the country. 🙂
Can’t wait to read your book! Best of luck to you, Megan! So glad we’ve met. :o) <3
Let me just say that I have been wanting to read this book for a really long time. I find the idea interesting and many people I have heard have said nothing but good things about it. I must really thank you for holding this giveaway, but the way!
And the best way that I find to throw a birthday party is to go on an adventure, really just leave and go someplace new. It’s thrilling and exciting and educational. What else could you want from it? Unless, that is, you go to some place that isn’t the best place to go visit. But it’s worth a shot, no?
Wow, what an amazing contest! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. And I can’t wait to read your book!!
Happy Birthday, the best way to spend your birthday is with family!! Id love to win because Ive had this book on my wishlist since I first heard of it and I LOVE the sound of it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy Belated Birthday! <3 I hope you enjoyed your birthday and maybe now that it's over you write yourself a letter to open ten years from now. I'm planning on doing that since I just turned 18 and am going off to college soon. Thought it would be fun to leave my 28 year old self a message from the past.
I would love to read Skylark because every time I look at the cover and read the summary I fall in love with the concept. It seems like a story that has the perfect blend of fantasy and science fiction something that I would like to see more in YA.
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
I want to win Skylark because I think it looks like a beautiful book, and I’m always excited for something new to read. Tight money makes it hard to go and buy as many books as I would like. And there’s just something kind of magical about winning something.
I am really looking forward to this release. My friend Deb @ I Heart YA books got approved for Skylark on NetGalley and told me how amazing of a book this is… and when she says it’s amazing than I know it will be SUPER good! I love the cover also… it is the most beautiful cover of 2012 in my opinion. Thank you so much for the awesome Giveaway, and Happy belated Birthday Meg! I hope it was awesome. I am in love with your Website… it is so amazingly beautiful from the purple (which is my favorite color) to this beautiful font!
Have a wonderful day Meg!
Kayla <3
I think that the best way to celebrate a birthday is by doing something that you haven’t done before. Of course, it has to be with friends and family because loved ones are the best people to be around on such a momentous day. Go sky-diving, swim with sharks (I did that one year) or maybe dolphins, take a trip, try a new food that you’d never have the guts to eat any other day of the year. Do something different and memorable that you’ll never forget–effectively making your birthday special, unique, and a memory that’ll stick with you forever. That’s what I try to do, but it’s hard to do some fun things since my birthday is in the middle of the winter! lol
Thanks for the opportunity to win Skylark. I’d like to win it because it looks like a totally unique book and I love originality. Have an amazing birthday and thank you so much for spreading the happiness with this giveaway. (:
What a brilliant contest, Meagan! 🙂
(And due to my extensive complaining about Australia’s isolation, you know why I want to win Skylark, hahah. Desperate to read it!)
As far as a birthday goes, I’ve always found that you should do something that YOU really love with close friends. I’ve always gone to a film that I really, desperately want to see, or I’ve gone paint balling. You should definitely write a letter to yourself ten years from now from the “not published yet” author you are.
Happy late birthday! I hope it was super awesome! I am so beyond excited for Skylark. I think the biggest reason I want to win a copy is because I’m a broke college student. Haha. But it would be pretty awesome to have a copy to give to my sister. She’s not big on reading, but lately I’ve been nudging books at her. Skylark sounds like a book that could certainly wedge into her non-reader heart. 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! I actually havn’t celebrated my birthday for the last few years but I always had the best time when I was with friends/family and was in my comfort zone, though I think a birthday is the best excuse to do something that you wouldn’t usually do. So I’d probably get out that Bucket List. And of course I want to win SKYLARK! Havn’t you heard? SKYLARK’s going to be the next big thing! 🙂
Happy belated birthday! 😀 I’m super excited for SKYLARK to release. I’ve got an ARC and it’s the next one in my TBR pile, so I’m really, really excited! 😀
Happy birthday! 🙂 wouldn’t it be fun to go to a hotel, order room service, and relax in bed all day? That’s what I would do!
Ps: I love this font! It’s super pretty! Oh and this is such a great giveaway! 🙂
For my birthday, I try to be in denial about it as long as possible, and then I gorge myself on whatever cake does not run away in terror. (Yes, that would be all of it.) As for why I would like to win Skylark.. Well, I was lucky enough to read the e-ARC, and it blew me away. Having a signed copy would be epic. 🙂
EAT LOTS OF CAKE- and hang out with your family!!!
I can not wait to read Skylark! It has been on my to-read shelf ever since I first saw it on Goodreads. I love the cover and the sound of it.
Thank you for the giveaway,
Samantha x
Very happy birthday Meagan!! My celebration suggestions is: do nothing, open gifts and just enjoy this epecial day! It’s just once by year, right!! Greeting from Czech Republic! Your book will be publish here so I’m so excited!! Yay!
Why do I want to win Skylark? Um, because it looks AWESOME! The best way to celebrate a birthday is spending the day with your friends and family doing an activity you love! We always go bowling for our birthdays 🙂 I also happen to share a birthday with my best friend of 20+ years and every year we go out to lunch by ourselves, no kids or husbands! It is the perfect little getaway, even if it is only for an hour or two.
What could be better than giving out our own book for your birthday! I requested this on Netgalley but didn’t get it 🙁 I was very disappointed but I can’t wait til it comes out to get my hands on it!
If it was my birthday I would do something adventurous like sky diving!
Hmmmm, best way to celebrate a birthday. I would say a lazy day at home, hanging out with family and then your favorite meal. Oh, and don’t forget the ice cream cake 😉
The best ways to celebrate a birthday is to let your hair down and pull an “anything’s possible” kind of day. Always wanted to dye your hair? DO IT! Entering a pie-eating contest? Why not?! Then, of course, there is the requisite that you eat a cake that is like chocolate crack and stay up watching brilliant movies or reading a book until you crash from the sugar high.
A belated happy birthday!! Best way to spend a birthday? Hmm, laughing with friends and eating sweet cupcakes? I’m so happy Skylark is being published this year. I can’t wait to read it!
Happy Belated Birthday~! The best way to celebrate your birthday? With all your friends (or family) and eating an awesome big delicious dinner. Then to top it all off, you guys get some dessert, and afterwards go karaoke-ing with drinks! Nothing better!
What an awesome giveaway! I hope you have an amazing birthday! I’m really looking forward to your book’s release! On my birthday, I let myself eat whatever I want and I usually end up going out with family and friends because they always make birthdays that much better. But yeah, I also tend to take the day off and buy books too!
Why do I want to win Skylark? Because I received a NetGalley egalley, read it and subsequently freaking loved it! So I’d love to have a shiny print copy hanging out in my bookshelves.
As for your birthday, HAPPY BELATED! I love birthdays. So much so that my family thinks I’d rather celebrate an entire birth month instead. ; ) But for me, the best way to spend a birthday is to go out to eat at a favorite restaurant, take it easy with friends and family and generally be happy.
What an amazing giveaway – I’m so excited for Skylark’s release (and sequels!).
What an awesome way to celebrate your birthday! I love it!!
hi meagan! 🙂 so nice of you having this contest. Well I think the best way to celebrate birthdays is with your family. No matter what you’re gonna do, just a dinner mayhap or merely having fun, the thought is you’re happy and together.
As for why I wanna win a copy, well I love to read! And what best way to read than having an autographed copy of it? So it would be pretty cool to win one. 🙂 although, I can’t win prizes 2&3 (which I love), still aiming for the book! 😀 thank you so much! And Happy Birthday to you! 🙂
Congrats on the book Megan and Happy be-lated birthday! I’ve always been interested in reading dystopian and YA ever since The Hunger Games Trilogy and guess who brought me here…the Dark Lord (voldemort) via twitter of course haha! Anyways, I would love to win a copy of Skylark and seems to be such an intriguing book, I can’t wait to read it. 🙂
Happy birthday Meagan! I already tweeted you so it’s pretty obvious but I’d love to win the giveaway because otherwise, getting a copy of this book would be real difficult and I absolutely MUST read this! ?
I think the best way to spend ones birthday is whatever way the birthday girl/boy wishes. I mean, I consider it MY day when it’s my birthday. I get one day for me, once a year – shouldn’t I be able to spend it doing what I want? (Legal, of course lol) It can be fun & outrageous or it can be calm & low key! It all depends on what tickles your fancy! 🙂
The best way to celebrate a birthday is with cupcakes! And friends of course!
And I want to win Skylark because I’ve already been hearing amazing things about it and I’m in love with it’s pretty purple cover.
I want to win because I love swag, the necklace is AWESOME, and I want to read the book!! 😀
Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Birthday!!!!
Also, best way to celebrate a birthday…last year I had a dessert party, which included 8 of my favorite desserts, I think that was pretty awesome 😀
Nice contest, I’m quite interested in the book now!
Maybe I’m going to buy it, it’s my birthday next week so…
I would like to win Skylark because it seems like an amazing book. Also, what i usually do on my birthday would be going out to a restaurant with my family. Then, going home to read new books i got as presents.
Happy, happy birthday! How to celebrate a birthday? Sleep in. Have someone bring breakfast. Eat a piece of chocolate. Take a nap. Go out to dinner. Eat a piece of chocolate. Go to bed 🙂
Just the title all by itself – no cover, no blurb – intrigues me! My favorite thing on a birthday is NO CHORES
I want to win because I have been super duper excited about Skylark for a while now. I found it on Goodreads a few months ago and I’m still drooling! The best way to spend a birhtday would be to lay out by a river on a beautiful day with an amazing book! Perfect!!
Thanks for the great contest, i can’t wait to read the book! (Plus, it doesn’t hurt that the cover’s so totally gorgeous!)
Id like to win because i have a deep love of all things young adult and sci-fi/fantasy. The best way to spend a birthday, at least for me, is to get all my friends and family together for a great big meal. Being a chef, cooking of said meal tends to fall to me.
happy birthday Megan. I want to win Skylark 1. The book blurb is awesome and I badly want to read the book. It’s intriguing.
2. The book is so beautiful I believe it will enhance beauty of by bookshelves
3. A signed copy and swags are treasure, and I will feel the most weathy person of the world. 🙂 🙂
Once again happy birthday 🙂
Happy Birthday! I would love to win this prize pack because Skylark seems like such an amazing story full of fun and adventure. I tried to get a copy from NetGalley and the publisher to review on my blog and was really sad to hear that I was turned down.
I want to win Skylark because the description and premise sound absolutely fascinating! I’ve been so excited to read this for quite some time and can’t wait to get my hands on it 🙂
Happy Birthday, Meagan! I hope you have a brilliantly fantastic day and that whatever you’re doing right now is amazing. 🙂
Why do I want to win Skylark, you ask? BECAUSE I WANT TO READ VERY, VERY BADLY, THAT’S WHY. No, but really. I’ve had my eye on this book for a while now, and every time I read a blog post from an author/reviewer about how amazing the ARC for Skylark was, I seethed with jealousy. If I wait any longer, I might actually go crazy (as if I haven’t already).
And no birthday would be complete without ice cream. <3 I know people say cake, but in my opinion, ice cream's better. 🙂
The best way to spend a birthday is with loved ones who spoil you and who know you so well they give awesome pressies, LIKE BOOKS!!! 😉
This is so huge, Meagan! Thank you for sharing with us your very special day. Happy Birthday! I’ll be celebrating mine this Jul 27 and even getting a bookmark is enough prize for me. I am so excited for Skylark! I tried getting a digital ARC from Netgalley but I was turned down so many times. Perseverance didn’t work at all. 😉 Nevertheless, I still can’t wait to read it. Wishing you all the best in your birthday and in your upcoming book.
For my last birthday, when I turned 18, I gave away books too! It was really awesome and my best giveaway yet. My dad also let me have free reign in a bookstore and bought me the ones I wanted, because he thought going book shopping together would be more fun than just giving me a gift card. And then we got to go to a Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Holly Black signing. Books are the BEST way to celebrate a birthday!
Happy Birthday, Meagan! What an amazing way of celebrating! You are extremely generous, especially for making this contest international. There are so many great books I would love to read but can’t because of shipping costs, and Skylark sounds right up my alley, so thank you!
My birthday was last month, and I’ve had an exam that day, followed by 4 more in the next couple of days, so the beautiful artbook I got about Asian landscapes and traditions, and having a small celebration with my family was the perfect getaway for me. 🙂
I really would like to win this giveaway because I am a book collector and Skylark seems like a really fantastic novel!
Kind of shallow, but I want to read it because the cover is so freaking gorgeous!
Happy b-day! I always like to spend time with my friends on my birthday 🙂 This book looks amazing.
I’d like to win Skylark because the concept sounds really intriguing, especially the idea about humans being renewable sources of energy. I’ve taken a few env. sci classes and energy is a verrry interesting topic.
The best way to celebrate a Birthday is to spend it with the ones you love…
My birthday is August 4th! I’ll prob be celebrating it with a ton of online shopping and buying books and book souvenirs. I love those, having something that symbolizes a book that way I can carry it with me always. Also baking, I love my sugary sweets. And of course hanging out with family and friends. I would love to win, I work at a library and I love it because we get to read stuff most people havent heard about yet. Its amazing really to be one of the first before the fandom hits. Also this is an amazing giveaway, you are absolutely wonderful, I cant wait to read skylark!
Also, so sorry! I got so carried away with answering your question that I forgot to wish you a very happy birthday! Hope you get everything you want!
Happy Flipping Birthday! Skylark sounds absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait to read it. The best way to celebrate your birthday is going to lunch with your parents, then partying it up with your friends at night.
Thanks for the giveaway! *crosses fingers and hopes*
[…] win, or for international residents that can’t enter this contest, Meagan is running a huge Skylark giveaway on her blog! Hurry over soon and enter, since the giveaway ends on […]
Wow, what a great givaway. Also, I really like the idea of making your future readers do your marketing for you – not for free. Because there is incentive: awesome prizes!
I am really interested in this book and hope poor old me will, for once, win something. This would be brilliant!
growing up, I always celebrated my birthdays by inviting friends over and watching an Alfred Hitchcock film (my birthday is the week before Halloween). Anyway, I’m very excited about Skylark, and I have an ebook copy on my Nook, just waiting to get read!
Happy Birthday! I’d LOVE to win Skylark package! & I love to celebrate my birthday with my family and then a movie and take-in food with the hubby once the kiddos are asleep. ;0)
Happy birthday!!! The best way to celebrate it is with family and friends, with champagne 🙂 AND BOOKS!! Enjoy your day!!
Thank you sooo much for an incredible giveaway! Congrats on the new release! It looks awesome!
Congratulations, Meagan (wow, we have almost same names :P)! SKYLARK sounds really fascinating and original, so I’d really like to win a copy of it if I could. 😀 The best way to celebrate your birthday is always by getting a stack of book-related stuff, just ’cause I’m nerdy like that, haha.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Happy belated birthday! I’m so excited for this book! I read the review by @Lord_Voldemort7 on twitter, and it already sounds amazing. I just finished my newest book so I’m looking for something new to read, but I don’t have any money, so hopefully I win a copy? 🙂 This giveaway is such an awesome idea, thanks for putting so much effort into it.
I’d like to win Skylark because I’m intrigued by the blurb, it seems the kind of book I might be interested in.
I would really love to win this because Skylark seems like a great book and I’ll definitely be reading it!!!
I want to read SKYLARK because I’ve heard such amazing things about it! Plus, the cover being pretty certainly helps. I think the best way to celebrate your birthday is going someplace new (like JAPAN! Far-fetched, I know but anything goes) to celebrate a new milestone in your life. Or something like that. I would also fully endorse eating heaps of ice cream and cake.
Oh my GOD!!! What an amazing giveaway! I’m swooning over here! I want to win SKYLARK because I’ve been waiting to read it forever, to be quite honest. 🙂 Meagan, I’ve been following you and your writing journey since you were on LiveJournal, drafting SKYLARK (then THE IRON WOOD, if I recall properly) 500 words a day, each day, which in turn inspired me to try to complete a novel draft by dedicating myself to writing 500 words every single day.. I couldn’t help but admire your perseverance and dedication towards completing this book and I’ve always wanted to read it. Regardless of whether or not I win this giveaway, I know I will read it sometime in the future, and I’m so happy that I’ll get the chance to.
Happy Birthday, Meagan! What an amazing contest! I’m glad I stumbled on your giveaway because I’m really excited about SKYLARK. It really sounds like something I’d enjoy and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy~<3 It's nice to see an everyone wins giveaway for those of use with horrible luck, lol.. Your prizes look lovely and so does your book! Happy Birthday, again! Hope you had a blast!
[…] of contests!: Have you entered yourself in THE SKY’S THE LIMIT contest at Meagan’s website yet? If not, you should go do it right now. The contest is ending […]
WHOO HOO! Happy birthday, Meagan!
I’m glad I just made it to enter this giveaway..and on its last day no less.
Skylark has been on my wishlist for a month now (I’ve been conting down to it’s release), and I would love to get my hands on a copy. I love genre-blending novels, and I’m a big fan of all things dystopian.
Nothing celebrates a birthday better than creampuffs!!
I love spending my birthday traveling to some place new and exciting with friends or family. Cake of course is required.
Can’t wait for SKYLARK! It sounds amazing and I can’t wait to read it soon! Thanks for doing such an epic giveaway!
The best way to celebrate a birthday is with ice cream cake. Then you should hop on a plane and hang out with awesome people from the Harry Potter fandom at a Harry Potter Con. Because they rock.
I want to win SKYLARK because it sounds absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait to read it! Great contest, Meagan! 🙂
I haven’t heard about Skylark before.Sounds good!Plus I love getting free stuff!! XD
Love the giveaway!!!Thanks a bunch!!!
The best way to celebrate birthdays are with loved ones. Music, food and booze are a bonus, of course, but not necessary. I want to win this contest cos I am a sucker for schwag, of course~ Can’t wait to see you at the release party, Meg!
I’m not a huge fan of birthdays, but I just found this post and wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday! (mine is July 4th! very close!)
I’d love to win Skylark because it intrigued me ever since I first read the summary… (plus, the cover is lovely)
Thanks for the epic contest!
Just received my Skylark swag. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the swag! Your promotional items are lovely, I love it! *hug*
Happy very belated birthday lol…
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